Heather beetle control
Management options for the control of heather beetle
Client: Natural England
An extensive literature review was carried out to determine the effectiveness of burning and other management options for managing the Heather Beetle Lochmaea suturalis in heather-dominated systems.
Three broad potential management measures were identified: Reduce the likelihood of outbreaks (by burning). There is currently no evidence that burning is useful for this, due to a lack of relevant studies; burning infested areas to reduce the numbers of heather beetles present; encouraging regeneration of damaged areas. The available evidence in this case is generally poor quality, and there is some suggestion that management techniques other than burning might be more effective at encouraging regrowth.
The outputs of the study included a range of recommendations, with a view to providing better advice to land managers with regard to management and control options. Links to the two reports are provided below:
A desk review of the ecology of the Heather Beetle
Desk review of burning and other management options for the control of heather beetle